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Laparoscopic surgery for obesity:


Combination - The combination operations serve to reduce the capacity of the body to digest the constituents of the meal eaten by the person to maintain their current body weight.
These procedures rely on combining a more modest reduction in the stomach capacity with a modest reduction in the available bowel to absorb the ingested meal. They are not associated with such significant side-effects as the "pure" bypass procedures.

RNY Bypass

Bilio-Pancreatic Diversion (BPD) - This type of gastric bypass is becoming popular with obesity surgeons in the United States and Europe.

The stomach is divided to produce a small pouch which aids in generating early fullness. The bypass portion of the procedure is much more marked than the RNY Bypass and eliminates food from the duodenum and most of the small bowel. This appears to reduce the sensation of hunger by manipulating levels of GLP and PYY in the person.

The theory behind the success of this procedure seems to be the changes in the levels of hormones produced by the elimination of the duodenum from the pathway taken by food, with a much more marked reduction in absorption of food.

This operation is associated with a higher level of metabolic complications and generally reserved for the Super-obese patient.

Diabetes is often eliminated within days of surgery and over 80% of patients with Type 2 diabetes find their disease diasppears within weeks of surgery. Often before significant amounts of weight are lost.

There are complications from this surgery, which are generally related to the technical points of producing this type of bypass procedure:
They include narrowing of the join to the stomach, intestinal obstruction due to spaces being formed within the intestinal loops and leakage of the joins formed.
As a greater proportion of the small bowel is bypassed there is a greater degree of malabsorption of vitamins and minerals, which need to be replaced.

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Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Techniques by Nicholas Marshall